WiFi and LED
WiFi and LED

Connect to WiFi Network

Connect to WiFi Network
WiFi Settings
Setting name | Description |
Network Name | The name (SSID) of your home WiFi |
Network password | The password of your home WiFi |
Static IP | An optional static IPv4 address |
Static gateway | In a static config, your gateway’s IPv4 address |
Static subnet | In a static config, this normally is |
mDNS address | Name of your device for the Bonjour/Zeroconf protocol |
Try connecting… | How many seconds to try at boot to connect to home WiFi |
Client IP | The current IP of the ESP in the home network |
AP SSID | The name of the ESPs internal WiFi hotspot (Access Point) |
Hide AP name | The ESPs Access Point won’t appear in WiFi lists of other devices |
AP password | The password of the ESPs WiFi Access Point |
AP WiFi channel | The 2.4G WiFi band of the AP. For advanced users |
AP IP | The Access Point IPv4 address of the ESP (should always be |
WiFi Settings
Setting name | Description |
Network Name | The name (SSID) of your home WiFi |
Network password | The password of your home WiFi |
Static IP | An optional static IPv4 address |
Static gateway | In a static config, your gateway’s IPv4 address |
Static subnet | In a static config, this normally is |
mDNS address | Name of your device for the Bonjour/Zeroconf protocol |
Try connecting… | How many seconds to try at boot to connect to home WiFi |
Client IP | The current IP of the ESP in the home network |
AP SSID | The name of the ESPs internal WiFi hotspot (Access Point) |
Hide AP name | The ESPs Access Point won’t appear in WiFi lists of other devices |
AP password | The password of the ESPs WiFi Access Point |
AP WiFi channel | The 2.4G WiFi band of the AP. For advanced users |
AP IP | The Access Point IPv4 address of the ESP (should always be |

Setting name | Description |
Network Name | The name (SSID) of your home WiFi |
Network password | The password of your home WiFi |
Static IP | An optional static IPv4 address |
Static gateway | In a static config, your gateway’s IPv4 address |
Static subnet | In a static config, this normally is |
mDNS address | Name of your device for the Bonjour/Zeroconf protocol |
Try connecting… | How many seconds to try at boot to connect to home WiFi |
Client IP | The current IP of the ESP in the home network |
AP SSID | The name of the ESPs internal WiFi hotspot (Access Point) |
Hide AP name | The ESPs Access Point won’t appear in WiFi lists of other devices |
AP password | The password of the ESPs WiFi Access Point |
AP WiFi channel | The 2.4G WiFi band of the AP. For advanced users |
AP IP | The Access Point IPv4 address of the ESP (should always be |


Setting name | Description |
LED count | How many LEDs are in your WS2812B strip (max. 600 for ESP32) |
4-channel LEDs (RGBW) | Support for SK6812 LEDs with white channel |
Auto-calculate white | Get white channel from RGB |
Apply preset | Which preset to load at boot (presets can be saved via the “heart” tab in the UI) |
Default RGB | Standard color at startup |
Default brightness | How bright the LEDs are by default |
Default white | Only applies if you got an RGBW strip |
Default effect ID | Which effect to have by default |
Default effect speed | The speed of the effect animation |
Default effect intensity | How strong the effect is. Only used by a few effects |
Default secondary RGB(W) | A secondary color that is used in many effects |
Ignore and use current … | Ignore all “Default” fields and set the boot default to the current light state |
Apply preset cycle… | The current preset cycle configuration will be used as boot default |
Turn on after power up | Whether the lights should turn on after a reset |
Use Gamma for brightness | Will correct brightness changes to make it appear more linear. Advised to leave off |
Use Gamma for color | Will correct colors to match those on a monitor. Strongly advised to keep on |
Brightness factor | Factor to change master brightness if it is to dim/bright for a certain configuration |
Fade Transition | Whether to have a smooth fading transitional effect when changing colors/brightness |
Transition delay | How many milliseconds the transition lasts |
Timed light duration | How long the nightlight should stay on |
Target brightness | What brightness the light should have after time is over |
Fade down | Gradually fades down the light over the duration instead of turning it off at the end |
Reverse LED order | Mirrors the LEDs (last LED is first) |
Init LEDs after WiFi | Enable legacy boot, LEDs turn on after connection |
WARLS offset | How many LEDs the direct UDP input should be shifted |
Skip first LED | Will turn off 1st LED and shift the remaining by 1 (1st LED used as a signal repeater) |
LED Settings
Setting name | Description |
LED count | How many LEDs are in your WS2812B strip (max. 600 for ESP32) |
4-channel LEDs (RGBW) | Support for SK6812 LEDs with white channel |
Auto-calculate white | Get white channel from RGB |
Apply preset | Which preset to load at boot (presets can be saved via the “heart” tab in the UI) |
Default RGB | Standard color at startup |
Default brightness | How bright the LEDs are by default |
Default white | Only applies if you got an RGBW strip |
Default effect ID | Which effect to have by default |
Default effect speed | The speed of the effect animation |
Default effect intensity | How strong the effect is. Only used by a few effects |
Default secondary RGB(W) | A secondary color that is used in many effects |
Ignore and use current … | Ignore all “Default” fields and set the boot default to the current light state |
Apply preset cycle… | The current preset cycle configuration will be used as boot default |
Turn on after power up | Whether the lights should turn on after a reset |
Use Gamma for brightness | Will correct brightness changes to make it appear more linear. Advised to leave off |
Use Gamma for color | Will correct colors to match those on a monitor. Strongly advised to keep on |
Brightness factor | Factor to change master brightness if it is to dim/bright for a certain configuration |
Fade Transition | Whether to have a smooth fading transitional effect when changing colors/brightness |
Transition delay | How many milliseconds the transition lasts |
Timed light duration | How long the nightlight should stay on |
Target brightness | What brightness the light should have after time is over |
Fade down | Gradually fades down the light over the duration instead of turning it off at the end |
Reverse LED order | Mirrors the LEDs (last LED is first) |
Init LEDs after WiFi | Enable legacy boot, LEDs turn on after connection |
WARLS offset | How many LEDs the direct UDP input should be shifted |
Skip first LED | Will turn off 1st LED and shift the remaining by 1 (1st LED used as a signal repeater) |
Setting name | Description |
LED count | How many LEDs are in your WS2812B strip (max. 600 for ESP32) |
4-channel LEDs (RGBW) | Support for SK6812 LEDs with white channel |
Auto-calculate white | Get white channel from RGB |
Apply preset | Which preset to load at boot (presets can be saved via the “heart” tab in the UI) |
Default RGB | Standard color at startup |
Default brightness | How bright the LEDs are by default |
Default white | Only applies if you got an RGBW strip |
Default effect ID | Which effect to have by default |
Default effect speed | The speed of the effect animation |
Default effect intensity | How strong the effect is. Only used by a few effects |
Default secondary RGB(W) | A secondary color that is used in many effects |
Ignore and use current … | Ignore all “Default” fields and set the boot default to the current light state |
Apply preset cycle… | The current preset cycle configuration will be used as boot default |
Turn on after power up | Whether the lights should turn on after a reset |
Use Gamma for brightness | Will correct brightness changes to make it appear more linear. Advised to leave off |
Use Gamma for color | Will correct colors to match those on a monitor. Strongly advised to keep on |
Brightness factor | Factor to change master brightness if it is to dim/bright for a certain configuration |
Fade Transition | Whether to have a smooth fading transitional effect when changing colors/brightness |
Transition delay | How many milliseconds the transition lasts |
Timed light duration | How long the nightlight should stay on |
Target brightness | What brightness the light should have after time is over |
Fade down | Gradually fades down the light over the duration instead of turning it off at the end |
Reverse LED order | Mirrors the LEDs (last LED is first) |
Init LEDs after WiFi | Enable legacy boot, LEDs turn on after connection |
WARLS offset | How many LEDs the direct UDP input should be shifted |
Skip first LED | Will turn off 1st LED and shift the remaining by 1 (1st LED used as a signal repeater) |
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